
This is how to avoid parasites on holiday


Holidays! You're already looking forward to all the delicious things you'll eat while travelling, but wait ... Can you just eat anything? "There are some foods that you need to be a bit careful with.” Professor Sarah Gabriel tells us how to avoid taking an extra passenger back home

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International top recognition for researcher who is combating ‘hidden’ hunger

Dominique Van Der Straeten

From now on, Professor Dominique Van Der Straeten can call herself a fellow of the prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). This international recognition honours researchers who are making an invaluable contribution to science and its application. In the case of professor Van Der Straeten, it recognises her research, which aims to reduce ‘hidden’ hunger and the consequences of climate change.

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CO₂ from steel manufacturer transformed into fish food

Myrsini Sakarika en Nele Ameloot

What does steel production have to do with fish-food production? Everything! If you ask Myrsini Sakarika and Nele Ameloot from Ghent University. After all, they are helping to convert CO2 from the steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal Belgium into proteins, which can then be used for fish food. Pioneering research, although some finetuning is still necessary: “Fish are pretty demanding when it comes to their diet.”

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If we want to continue enjoying our weekly portion of fish or shellfish in the future, it will be largely thanks to aquaculture. Just call it the fish farm of the future. Ghent University is one of the world’s top researchers on the sustainability and development of aquaculture. “It may sound pretentious, but the 5 million tons of prawns and scampi farmed worldwide all have something to do with Ghent University,” says professor-emeritus of aquaculture Patrick Sorgeloos.

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New technology helps Ethiopian farmers

Marijke D'Haese en Pascal Boeckx

Elk kopje Fair Trade koffie dat aan de UGent gedronken wordt, komt de producent ten goede. Maar onderzoekers van de faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen gingen nog een stapje verder. Een hoogtechnologische methode om de kwaliteit van de bonen te achterhalen kan de koffieboeren op termijn een betere prijs garanderen.

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