
Coach CoDi: the motivation-boosting tool that helps children become independent coders in Scratch

Groepsfoto van de 4 ontwikkelaars van Coach Codi

Ensuring that every child learns how to code, that is the common goal of several UGent researchers and the educational platform CodeCosmos. They developed a digital co-teacher together for the popular programming language Scratch. A world-first because this is the first tool that can automatically evaluate Scratch exercises. “Coach CoDi goes light years beyond all other feedback tools”, says UGent professor Christophe Scholliers.

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Students create furniture designed specifically for children with autism spectrum disorder

Studenten ontwerpen speciaal meubilair voor kinderen met autismespectrumstoornis

As a student, it is always very satisfying to be able to work on a project that actually becomes a reality. And it is even more rewarding when that project is also one that can actually help people. Kaat Janssens and her team of fellow civil engineer-architect students have designed various pieces of outdoor furniture for Kwadrant, a school for pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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How do you create equal opportunities in Flemish education?

The equal opportunities policy for education is currently under fire: does it really provide equal opportunities? Doesn’t it lower the bar in education? Dirk Van Damme, Head of the Innovation and Measuring Progress Division at the OECD and Ghent University alumnus professor helped to formulate it. Now, although still behind it in principle, he is taking a critical look at its drawbacks. Ghent University professor Piet Van Avermaet, Director of the Steunpunt Diversiteit en Leren (Learning and Diversity Support Centre) defends the choices made, despite the disappointing outcomes.

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How the corona crisis is changing summer schools

Iris Vandevelde

Summer schools help children and young people with learning disadvantages. But because of the corona crisis, pupils are struggling with more intense learning problems, and on top of that their mental resilience has been weakened. How can summer schools respond to this?

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