Ghent-based DoCoLab helps to control doping at the Olympic Games

The doping controls at the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games will again have a Ghent connection. The doping control lab of Ghent University, DoCoLab for short, is sending a team of researchers to Paris to help check many thousands of samples. Peter Van Eenoo, head of the lab, professor and cycling fan, will be part of that team: "We won't have lots of free time, but I do hope to catch some of the cycling (laughs)."

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Science vs Summer


Weak, headache, thirsty? How do you prevent sunstroke?

“Stay out of the sun, avoid physical activity during the hottest time of day and have plenty to drink: with these three guidelines you will easily survive a hot sunny day and avoid sunstroke – or even worse: heatstroke”, says An De Sutter, head of general medicine (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences).

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This is how to avoid parasites on holiday

Holidays! You're already looking forward to all the delicious things you'll eat while travelling, but wait ... Can you just eat anything? "There are some foods that you need to be a bit careful with.” Professor Sarah Gabriel tells us how to avoid taking an extra passenger back home

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The world becomes a lot safer when we lock up fewer people

Imagine if we locked up fewer people, or if there were no longer any prisons at all. Would that lead to more crime or, on the contrary, produce greater equality and security? An intriguing issue criminologist Tom Vander Beken loves to ponder.

Handen geklemd om de tralies van een gevangenis

Alumnus Inge Bru coaches Paralympic athletes in Paris: "It's going to be intense!"

Good news for sports fanatics, the summer of sports is not over yet! Our Belgian athletes will soon be competing at the Paralympic Games. Alumna Inge Bru, specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Ghent University Hospital, accompanies them in Paris.

Inge Bru

Six tips for healthy screen time (for children & adolescents)

Our children are growing up in a world filled with screens. How much should we worry about this? Professor Mariek Vanden Abeele (imec-mict-UGent) analyses the benefits and drawbacks of digital connectedness among young people, and tells us how we can ensure healthy screen time.


Are classical languages still of any use?

With clock-like regularity the debate pops up about whether studying Greek and Latin is still useful. Some claim that classical languages are useless on the job market. For others, they are the foundation of our society. What should we think about that? We asked hellenist Evelien Bracke and got a nuanced answer.
